Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!!

Here are a few pictures from our trip today to The American Museum of Natural History. The museum holds an event for kids so they can enjoy a safe and educational Halloween.

PlanetariumGiant Squid

Xia and I took her niece and nephew, Jacque & Jose. Guy & Sal took there little ones Isaac & India. Sorry for the lack of quality pictures, but we forgot to charge our digital camera. As a result we used my camera phone, and many of the photos didn't expose properly.

Subway Dreaming

I also included a picture of Louie, *cough, cough* Darth Louious!

Darth Louious

Thursday, October 20, 2005

It's almost been a month & we're still alive!

Hello all. If you're mad about not seeing a post on this site for close to a month.....get over it! Internet deprivation could be good for you. Hell I went without internet for almost a month and consider myself a better man because of it.

Those faithful few that have followed my online exploits, are no strangers to the gaps in between posts. Though this hiatus is admittedly on the longer end of the spectrum. This time it's for a good reason. We f*cki^g moved back to the Northeast Bitches. That means get ready for some mooching coming to your neck of the woods. We'll be wheeling and dealing our way to as many free dinner invites as possible.

Tuesday will mark our month anniversary back up in the Northeast. On October 29th it'll be a month since Xia and I moved to The Bronx. Read her post it's funny. On Saturday it'll be a week since the internet has been connected, hence the lack of posts since September 24th.

BTW, this post has a difficulty rating of 9.5. While I'm writing this post, I'm having dinner. Tonight my supper consists of Garden Herb Triscuits, topped with Cheddar Easy Cheese, washed down with a Mike's Hard Lime. Let me not forget Xia. She is drinking Blackstone Merlot in a happy face cup courtesy of our wonderful neighbors. Ahh, we're living the American Dream.

I'd like to publicly welcome 2 new readers to dgeneration. First is my former boss in Miami, Christ. He is a good friend who has now entered the inner circle. This is despite the fact he claims to be an Independent, while clearly being a bleeding heart Liberal.
The second new reader is my Mom. I don't know how she found out about my blog, but she knows! I've had to go back and make every blog entry Mom friendly. So no more cursing.

In the next few days hopefully I'll have some pictures up of the new place. As for CBC, I should have two posts up in the coming days.
Till next time.