Saturday, June 25, 2005

d generation: Back from exile.

Photo42After a long winter/spring hiatus to re-charge the batteries and bring in new writers, d generation is back. Will it be action packed? Hell yeah! Will there be less dialogue and more violence? Just like The Godfather Part III. Did we kill off a child during the hiatus? You betcha!! Will d generation be better than before? You can count on it! Oh....who the hell knows.

Photo57Xia and I got back from our vacation to NJ about four months ago. I like to think of that excursion to NJ as the Reverse Spring Break. We went from the warmth of Miami to the chill of New Jersey. Seeing the old gang was a trip down memory lane. The two people on the right are Anna aka "J. Lo" and Don from Legal's. Don recently got engaged with Marcia whom he met at work. I wish him the best. I know what it's like to work with your wife and sometimes it's a bitch. Looking back at our visit with former co-workers, friends, and family actually made me sentimental.

That right there is big for me, getting sentimental. You see in my family I'm known as the as "the cold hearted bastard". Since my teenage years I've had the reputation as being distant with family members. I like to think of it as bringing balance to the force. Everyone in the family is lovey dubby with one another, until something goes wrong. Photo69 Then when you turn your back, it's a free for all, the likes only seen during a WrestleMania 12-man cage match. My family (extended & immediate) has many issues they need to deal with. In some cases 30+ years of bottled up resentment. Not to mention what people are mad about that happened last year or last week. As a result I have a fuck you attitude with family. I'm not the, "oh they're family so you should just accept them" type of person. I'm the people are people type of person. So if you're a douche-bag I don't care if your related, I'm not dealing with you. This type of attitude has branded me as, "the cold hearted bastard". That and not calling my parents for weeks on end while living away from home. So when certain people see a warm and fuzzy side, they're shocked. They say things like, "I didn't know you were like this Dan." In return I say to them, "Well you've been a douche-bag for that last few years and I didn't want to share anything with you."

Photo65Wow! Were did that come from? I feel like Will Ferrell in the movie Old School, during the debate toward the end of the film. I just went into this trance and that whole paragraph sprung out. Don't know exactly what spurred that on. Maybe that's why I'm know as "the cold hearted bastard."

Lets get back to a happier place. Xia has dubbed it Operation Move Back. I like to call it something else, Operation Miami Freedom! The Diaz forces are moving swiftly to pull out of Miami, and back to the home base of New Jersey. Yes it is official. If you haven't heard, Xia is back in NJ right now laying down the ground work for our return. She took a flight to NJ on June 8th, and began working at Legal Sea Foods shortly there after. Before leaving, Xia received official confirmation from the powers that be at LSF that a job was waiting for her. That my friend, was a huge relief. If she went an extended period of time without work, it would've been very bad. I deeply thank all those involved in helping us once she arrived up north. You've made the transition that much easier. I don't know when I'll be heading up, but the clock is ticking and my time down in the M-I-A is running out.

One thing is for sure, I won't be going up to NJ until I find work. So now I have extra motivation to look. There are many things in this world I hate to do. Toward the top of the list is job searching. It can be one of the most tedious, challenging, and boring activity's one can partake in. Now I'm knee deep in search mode, and I hate it. Yes I know it's part of the game of life, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. One plus for Xia being away is that I'll be able to work more games at the stadium. This week I'll be training on the main matrix board. This should allow me to be able to pick up more games. The next station I'd like to tackle is replay, but I don't think time will permit.

For a third time Xia has become an Aunt. Little baby Bryan was born on May, 27 2005. Do you know what that means for me? The heat is on to make Xia a mother! On the right is picture of little Jackie who now becomes the Jane Brady of the Sagustume family.

SandraI'd like to close the post with this picture. It was taken hours after a recent operation my sister had. Notice the swollen sausage finger extended to its fullest. Goes to show you she was in good spirits. That's my Mom in the background. She automatically poses for pictures no matter what the situation. It's a reflex for her. I think this picture is just too funny not to share. Sandra's gonna hate me for this but I couldn't resist.

Don't forget to check out CBC if your interested in comics books and related randomonia.

Till next time....

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