Friday, July 29, 2005

Honeymoon v2.0 and more.

Coming to ya live from Key West, Florida via an internet cafe

We're celebrating our 5 year anniversary and doing the Duval Crawl. We've been in here for 2 days now, and having a ball. It's hot as pelotas down here! Oh yeah and schaffing, lots of schaffing going on. FYI for the spanish challenged, hot as pelotas means REALLY HOT AND HUMID!! Hopefully we'll have some pictures up in a few days or so, if we don't melt away.

CBC has taken an unexpected hiatus so any comic related posts will be posted here.

This weekend Upperdeck is doing a sneak preview of their newest Vs. System Expansion, Avengers. Check out the following links for a sneak peek at some of the cards. Here is a link to find a Preview Tournament nearest you.

TGC Player has a list of cards about a third of the page down, you can click and see discussions/post by readers about them.

Metagame has articles written by staff members, which breakdown the cards.

Gotta go this cost lots of $$$


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