Sunday, December 18, 2005

Post #20: Lets give'em something to blog about!

It's a week shy of 6 months back with the d generation blog and this is post # 20. Hopefully the next 20 will come just a bit faster, or not!

I've kind of felt like blogging for about a week now, but haven't found anything to say. Without further ado, lets kick-off post 20 with the funniest thing that happened in the last week.

On Saturday night Xia and I attended my company's X-mas party at a restaurant. When the night was finishing up, a conversation was struck about the stupidity of a certain department at work.

Then one of the bosses said something along the lines of "Well what do you expect when you hire a waitress from Applebees."

I was sitting next to Xia when he said this and squeezed her leg. She too heard his comment. We looked at each other and shared a quiet laugh. Later that night, we spoke about it. She wasn't offended and understood the context in which he spoke. I on the other hand was slightly offended. The funny thing is I'd bet my life that Xia was the smartest person in the room, by far.

My second and final comment for post 20 has to do with Bloglines, a web based RSS reader. You can keep track of any website that offers an RSS feed by logging into Bloglines and submitting its web address. Once you do that it searches for feeds offered by the webpage, if any, and allows you to subscribe to it. Now you don't have to go to various websites to get your information. Just log onto Bloglines and any feed you subscribed to is available to read in one easy to navigate page.

Well I signed up today and started my account. While I was doing it, Bloglines offers some recommended feeds to subscribe to. They have major categories listed ranging from Animal Lover to Tech Guru. Under each category there are usually a handful of recommended feeds. One category caught my eye and made my curious as to what was listed under it. The category was Critical Thinker. When I opened the category up, it had one feed: Comedy Central - Daily Show Videos.

Nuff said!!

1 comment:

Dan Diaz said...

A few things for truthful.

1. The only thing truthful about this punkass is he leaves insulting comments w/o knowing jack shit.

2. Might as well leave anonymous posts since your profile leads no where. Real truthful there buddy!

3. Wasting your time posting this garbage just shows what type "Idiot Blogger" you are. LOL